Dear colleagues,
I am writing to FIGIJ regarding the project some colleagues and experts in female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) and I have been discussing for more than one year. We are putting our efforts together to build an atlas/tool/library of pictures of children with female genital cutting or mutilation (pre and post pubertal) for teaching, medico-legal, facilitating diagnosis, etc. issues.
The experts that are currently part of the group are from the University of Geneva, Florence, Brussels, Montreal, Bamako, Arizona State University and Denver Health Refugee clinic.
The FGM/C children clinic in London and WHO have also been informed of the project.
We already published two atlas for adult women with FGM/C on types, complications and defibulation.They are already used in several trainings of health professionals, including by Doctors without borders.
Last year and during the past G3 international experts meeting on FGM/C we discussed about the need of such a tool for children as well, also in consideration of the next American Academy of Paediatrics guidelines on FGM/C that will be shortly published under the lead of Dr Janine Young (who is part of this group as well).
Obtaining pictures among minors and the issue of consent (by both parents and child) make this project challenging. This is why we are trying to be many and see together if this becomes feasible.
We would need anonimyzed pictures of all the types of FGM/C, complications (such as cysts) and possible differential diagnosis (including uncut genitals).
If you are interested in knowing more and eventually collaborating with us, please contact Dr Jasmine Abdulcadir at the address:
Thanks for your time and consideration,
Best regards,
Jasmine Abdulcadir
Jasmine Abdulcadir, MD PD FECSM. FMH in Gynaecology and Obstetrics.
Responsible of the Emergency Unit in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Responsible of the FGM/C clinic.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Geneva University Hospitals.
Teacher at the Human Reproduction Unit, Faculty of Medicine. University of Geneva.
Consultant of the Swiss Network against FGM.
2013-2017 Consultant on FGM/C at the WHO Department of Reproductive Health and Research