2017 Ukraine Review

2017 Ukraine Review

     Today, on the last day of the year 2017, I sum up the results. The year was difficult, but fruitful for the PAG. The service of the PAG of the Kharkov region (about 3 million people) was maintained and functioned normally. As before, I remain the Head of the PAG...
Greek PAG Update

Greek PAG Update

The 5th Annual Meeting of the Greek Pediatric & Adolescence Gynecology (PAG) society was held on October 6-8, 2017 in Athens. The meeting had a very interesting program with sessions about endocrinology, common gynecological problems during childhood and...
2017 RANZCOG Report

2017 RANZCOG Report

As part of the RANZCOG 2017 Annual Scientific Meeting, ANZSPAG held a pre-meeting workshop on Paediatric & Adolescent Gynaecology. Speakers from around Australasia spoke to an audience of over 50 gynaecologists about a diverse range of topics, including adolescent...