by Lisa Rome | Apr 10, 2023 | General Updates
TRIBUTE TO JOE SANFILIPPO AND PAULA HILLARD NASPAG is an offspring of FIGIJ. For those of you who may be unaware, the basic tenets of a North American Society focusing on gynaecological problems in individuals from birth into the twenties were established in August...
by Lisa Rome | Apr 10, 2023 | General Updates
We are pleased to announce the launch of FIGO’s first podcast series, which aims to disseminate clinical recommendations to obstetricians and gynaecologists to improve women and girls’ health outcomes around the globe. Series one of the FIGO podcast is led by the FIGO...
by Lisa Rome | Mar 30, 2023 | General Updates
After careful evaluation of the submitted documents, and with an unquestionnable decision by the FIGIJ Bursary Committe, the following bursaries have been awarded for 2023: Both winners showed a deep involvement in PAG and deserve this opportunity to deepen their...
by Lisa Rome | Mar 30, 2023 | General Updates
FIGIJ Advocacy Statement: The Need for Safe Abortion Access for Adolescents FIGIJ advocates for global unrestricted access to abortion for adolescents. Introduction and purpose: demographics of Global Abortion Access for Adolescents WHO estimated in 2019 that...
by Lisa Rome | Mar 16, 2023 | General Updates
The April issue of JPAG includes both the NASPAG and WCPAG meeting abstracts. This issue will be freely available to all readers for three months. JPAG April Issue