Season’s Greetings And Goodbye To 2020!

Season’s Greetings And Goodbye To 2020!

Dear Friends, If 2020 has been an exercise in resilience, FIGIJ has certainly risen to the challenge! The pandemic has given rise to opportunities with a plethora of on-line virtual meetings and great progress in governance, education and advocacy for us as an...
World Contraception Day

World Contraception Day

Hoy 26 de setiembre, se conmemora un nuevo Día mundial de Anticoncepción, y en este año tan especial de pandemia , es muy importante que como profesionales que trabajamos con adolescentes, tengamos el compromiso, mas que nunca , de continuar brindando educación en...
Beware of online criminal activity and fraud

Beware of online criminal activity and fraud

Dear friends in PAG, We are all too often inundated with scam e-mails purporting to be from a friend or colleague requesting urgent financial assistance, but I am writing to warn you that FIGIJ has been affected (as has EURAPAG) and that you may receive such messages...