World Contraception Day

World Contraception Day

Hoy 26 de setiembre, se conmemora un nuevo Día mundial de Anticoncepción, y en este año tan especial de pandemia , es muy importante que como profesionales que trabajamos con adolescentes, tengamos el compromiso, mas que nunca , de continuar brindando educación en...
Beware of online criminal activity and fraud

Beware of online criminal activity and fraud

Dear friends in PAG, We are all too often inundated with scam e-mails purporting to be from a friend or colleague requesting urgent financial assistance, but I am writing to warn you that FIGIJ has been affected (as has EURAPAG) and that you may receive such messages...
Time to Review the *new* 2020 FIGIJ Statutes

Time to Review the *new* 2020 FIGIJ Statutes

Dear All I realise that it is not long since I last contacted you all but you may recall that I did refer to a major review of our Statutes under the Chair of Gabriele Tridenti and his Working Party. Our Secretary General Zoran Stankovic will also be contacting you...