Original PDF: Antiracism Advocacy Statement NASPAG
NASPAGs Response to the Death of George Floyd and Racial Injustice in the US
Racism and disparities persist in our health care system, numerous American institutions, and our society at large. Racism and disparities must not be ignored. The recent killing of George Floyd by law enforcement represents yet another black life tragically lost. The recent killings of George Floyd, Ahmed Aubrey, and Breonna Taylor, and too many more, remind us all that we must do better in our daily efforts to recognize racism and disparity, and advocate for racial justice and equity. It is with a heavy heart that the North American Society of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology (NASPAG) responds to these most recent deaths in solidarity with the families, friends, and communities impacted. We must support our patients, colleagues, and communities during these troubling times.
NASPAG strives to promote inclusion for our members and we recognize the vast benefits of diversity in our organization. NASPAG’s mission statement includes a key statement promoting advocacy for “the reproductive well-being of children and adolescents and the provision of unrestricted, unbiased and evidence-based practice of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology.”
Sexual and reproductive health care equity cannot exist without racial and social justice. We know that racism harms all children and adolescents, regardless of their background. We see the emotional and physical sequelae of racism, chronic stress, and microaggressions in our patients, often in the form depression, insomnia, chronic pain, and disruptions in the menstrual cycle.
We encourage all of you to support one another and continue to strive for a better future as we work together moving forward in our commitment to address these issues.
We have compiled a collection of resources for our NASPAG community to support their efforts as effective allies for our patients and our colleagues: https://www.naspag.org/page/AntiRacismandAllyResources
Lastly, we also welcome your ideas on how we can improve towards being an ally in support of anti-racism.