Translations: Chinese, Deutsch, Francais, Italian, Russian, Spanish

Dear friends and colleagues in PAG,

As we recover from the global pandemic FIGIJ is planning ahead for the future development and expansion of PAG in countries where PAG remains under-represented.

This year saw our 50th anniversary and your Board proposes to mark this achievement with the establishment of a number of training bursaries for individuals from resource-poor countries especially those with no existing or weak PAG infrastructure.

The bursaries will facilitate travel and basic subsistence costs to enable a fixed training opportunity in PAG at a recognised international training centre.

For this we seek your help, both as individuals and as National Societies.

We are asking for non-recurring donations from you in order to establish these bursaries which we hope will be advertised next year and incepted to coincide with the next World Congress in Belgrade in 2023.

A steering committee has been set up and we are proposing to establish as many bursaries as possible each of which will be to the order of 3000 USD each. Learn more about the FIGIJ Bursary for PAG Training here, and please feel free to contact me at with additional questions.

Donations can be made by Pay Pal here:

Please state the donation is for the Bursary training fund and your details or those of your organisation, unless of course you wish to remain anonymous. Please email us if you would prefer to make a donation through bank transfer.

Moreover donations may be made in honour of an individual with whom we can communicate and notify if you wish. In addition and for example for US donors, FIGIJ is classified as a tax-exempt public charity with 501 (c) (3) status, so donations will be tax deductible to the extent allowed to individuals. This may similarly apply in your country.

PAG practitioners are typically generous individuals and I know that there is a wish to develop PAG globally among National Societies in our partner continents, so I hope that we will receive a positive response from you.

Many thanks in advance and please be generous,

Best wishes,
Paul Wood
President FIGIJ