Paediatric and adolescent gynaecology is a special field of interest within general gynaecology and obstetrics. Unlimited access to healthcare, promotion of education of adolescent patients, and, first and foremost, specialized healthcare providers and consistent guidelines for the most pressing gynaecologic health issues in adolescents, are in the boards’ opinion, the cornerstones for provision of high quality adolescent care.
The EURAPAG noticed knowledge gaps in educational training for residents in PAG in several European countries. Some clinical situations in children and adolescents are rare and the attending physician might not have had appropriate training as a resident. Each country organizes their training for residents and undergraduate students differently. On February 15 and 16, 2019, the first Pan-European trainees’ congress was organized by EURAPAG. Almost 100 delegates from 22 European countries came to Frankfurt to learn more about paediatric and adolescent gynaecology (PAG).
First Pan-European Trainees’ congress
The Trainees’ congress started on with a lecture about gynaecological history and examination in children and adolescents. After this presentation a lecture was given about gynaecological imaging in children: ultrasound scans and appearances with age.
After a short break, several workshops were given: live ultrasound scanning, communication with children and adolescents, basic endocrinology and puberty: what is normal, abnormal & variants.
At the end of this day, Dr. Francesca Navratil gave the first Laszlo von Dobszay lecture about sexual abuse in children.
On Saturday, each lecture started with case presentations by trainees. We would specialy thank Raquel Lopes Casal, Wendy van Dorp, Ipek Evruke, Anis Cerovac, Briseida Mesarovic, Olesia Pliekhova, Kianiz Alieva, Jo Ritchie, Katherina, Tereza Hubova and Bojana Tomic for their work and presentation of the case. Dr. Kianiz Alieva from St Petersburg, Russia, did win the prize for best case presentation.
The board want to thank ENTOG for promoting this Pan- European event. In addition, the board likes to thank the sponsors Erbe, Jenapharm, Eluthia, GE Healthcare and the main sponsor Gedeon Richter.
The next trainees’ congress will be during the 15th EURAPAG meeting, from 3-6 June 2020 in Rotterdam the Netherlands. For more information, please visit