To improve dissemination of best practice in Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology (PAG) worldwide, on December 5th, 2021, the FIGIJ Executive Board unanimously approved the establishment of annual FIGIJ Bursaries in Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology (PAG), with the following regulations:
The FIGIJ Bursary is specifically devoted to foster training opportunities in internationally acknowledged PAG centers for Specialist Gynecologists or Pediatricians in training for PAG, as per the FIGIJ approved list.
The FIGIJ Bursary is announced annually for enaction the following year.
The number of available bursaries will vary according to funding but is expected to range from 1-3 per year.
Further information, criteria and requirements will be supplied on receipt of expressions of interest
The amount of each Bursary shall be 3000 USD each, primarily to support travel and subsistence expenses.
Good comminication skills and familairity with the language of the host PAG Center is essential.
Applications for the 2023 round shall be accepted betwen 1 June to 31 December 2022.
Applicants from middle – low income countries (according to OECD criteria) will have priority, with no distinction of sex and race.
A CV and a letter of recommendation in support of the application from the base hospital or national institution will be required.
Agreement of acceptance for a training opportunity at a recognised PAG training center and approved by them must be submitted with the application;
The applicant’s qualifications and c.v. including previous experience in PAG will be considered as part of the application.
The decision of the FIGIJ Bursary Committe will be final.
Successful applicants for the 2023 round will be announced by 31 March 2023.
Successful applicants will be expected to obtain relevant visas and comply with the health requirements of the host country.
The formal announcement for the 2023 Bursaries will take place at the 2023 WCPAG Congress in Belgrade, between 18 -21 May, 2023.
The successful applicants will be invited to take part in the 2023 WCPAG Congress in Belgrade and attend the proclamation in person if possible.
Free registration to the Congress and a further 500 USD contribution for travel and accomodation expenses will be provided for the successful applicants.
For further information please contact the Chair of the Bursary Committee, Dr Gabriele Tridenti; e-mail:
The FIGIJ Board