No debemos permitir que la pandemia sea causa de incremento del embarazo adolescente y es nuestra responsabilidad como personal de salud y como sociedad en general, empoderar a los adolescentes sobre sus derechos en general y en Salud Sexual y Reproductiva en particular.
Debemos promover que tengan proyectos de vida diferentes a la maternidad y paternidad en la adolescencia, que reconozcan sus derechos al acceso a la anticoncepción y así poder tener una sexualidad plena, saludable y responsable sin temor al embarazo.
Deborah Laufer Integrante del Board de FIGIJ
We must not allow the pandemic to cause an increase in pregnancy adolescent and it is our responsibility as health personnel and as a society in general, empower adolescents about their rights in general and in Health Sexual and Reproductive in particular.
We must promote that they have life projects other than motherhood and paternity in adolescence, that recognize their rights to access to contraception and thus be able to have a full, healthy and responsible sexuality without fear of pregnancy.
Deborah Laufer Member of the Board of FIGIJ