by davidemacek | Nov 15, 2021 | General Updates
Translations: Chinese, Deutsch, Francais, Italian, Russian, Spanish Dear friends and colleagues in PAG, As we recover from the global pandemic FIGIJ is planning ahead for the future development and expansion of PAG in countries where PAG remains under-represented....
by davidemacek | Nov 1, 2021 | General Updates
FIGIJ advocacy statement: menstrual health globally Federación Internacional de Ginecología Infanto Juvenil (FIGIJ, por sus siglas en ingles). Actualización. 10 de marzo de 2021 Introducción / Propósito: Alrededor del mundo, el inicio de la menstruación (menarca)...
by Lisa Rome | Aug 30, 2021 | General Updates
Dear Fellow Members of FIGIJ The subject of a replacement logo for our Federation has been discussed for some time. Having finally updated our Statutes, we have since endeavoured to create a new image for FIGIJ. I can advise you that your Board has now chosen a new...
by davidemacek | May 25, 2021 | General Updates
Eveline J. Roos, Judy Simms-Cendan, Charleen Cheung, Deborah Laufer, Sonia R. Grover, on behalf of FIGIJ board in collaboration with FIGO Abstract Girls and adolescents, aged 0–19 years make up almost 30% of the world’s female population yet their specific healthcare...
by davidemacek | May 21, 2021 | General Updates
NASPAG Position Statement on COVID-19 vaccines and Gynecologic Concerns in Adolescent and Young Adults Created by Hina Talib MD, Elise D. Berlan MD, and Nichole Tyson MD In collaboration with NASPAG Advocacy Committee members: Elizabeth Alderman MD, Rachel Casey MD,...
by davidemacek | May 21, 2021 | General Updates
Dear friends in PAG It is time for a Presidential update, and I am pleased to share with you our new Advocacy Position Statement on Global Menstrual Health. Also attached is a second Position Statement on Mental Health and PAG. Many thanks to Evelien and Judy and the...